Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Taina Marina, Papeete, 10/04/2018.

It was a good morning and a bad morning!
The good part is that the generator set came out onto the quay wall with minimal trouble. I had moved the boat to outside the quay wall so the BlueFlyer was tied parallel to the wall, and so the set was lifted out of the saloon and swung sideways onto the wall. I cleaned up under the generator area and then the new set came in onto its beds perfectly. Two problems then. First is that the new round panel does not fit in place of the old rectangular one, so I stuck with the old panel. Second problem was the socket on the generator box was in a slightly different place, so it was turned 90 degrees and screwed back on. Not a problem. Then the cooling piework was slightly different, so a quick cut and join and Bobs your Aunty!
The bad part was that I serviced the engine yesterday and then today discovered the wrong oil filter on the engine. I found this out when the oil alarm went off. All the oil had been pumped into the sump under the engine. A quick change of filter and more oil and all was well. I will clean up the mess tomorrow when I’m not so tired.

The new generator sounds quieter than the last one and is really smooth running too. Thank you to Advance Yacht Systems in the UK. The Queensland dealer, from whom I bought the old unit less than three years ago, was not interested in even matching the UK price. His loss and my gain.

I have somewhat of a mess to clean up, but that’s tomorrow’s job.
Otherwise all is well on board.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Never a dull moment. The polish arrived today from Fiona. Starting to sort what needs to go in which bags. See you next week.🙂👍