Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Papeete, Taina Marina, 18/04/2028.

Good news and bad news today.
The good news is that Meg is on board and settling in OK, and Dawn and Garry arrive on the island tonight.
The bad news is that the radar is screwed and not repairable, due to bad corrosion within the radome. That is the part on the mast. I have sent out some enquirers, but I have a feeling that not only is this no longer available, but the new version is not compatible with the rest of my navigation equipment. So no radar for a while. It’s not vital, but is nice to have.
It’s a cloudy day here in Tahiti, and warm, but no burning sun.
The navigation lights are working again, with new wiring and should be good for a long time.

Now you all know why boat now has 2 Ts, it means Bring Over Another Ten Thousand! It used to be just a thousand. This also supports the definition of Cruising as sailing from one exotic repair place to another.

Anyway all is good on board.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hugh, Will be following closely. Safe journey - Phil & Jenny (Gary & Dawns Sister & Brother in law)