Saturday, May 12, 2018

Rarotonga, 12/05/2018.

Well we made it here from Bora Bora with only 2 more repairs to be done.
We were delayed leaving B.B. by the Gendarmes due to a mix up in departure dates but got away only 6 hours late. Nice sailing initially but then the wind and rain caught up! Rain coming down like a whiteout and winds up to 47 knots, approx 95 kph.
During this the boom kicker or vang broke. As this is only 4 years old I am not impressed, but will have to bear it. The warranty is 12 months. It may be fixable or replaced with a fixed rod here before we leave. It’s major purpose on this boat is to hold up the boom when it’s not being used by the mainsail.
The other repair is the white navigation light on the transom of the boat. It was a bad contact and some torn wiring, seems to be working OK now.
Rarotonga is a much more friendly and welcoming place than Tahiti, more reasonably priced and English is spoken! The currency is beautiful, fancy a triangular 2 dollar coin? The currency is one for one with the New Zealand dollar which makes life a little cheaper for Aussies.
The winds look like keeping us here till Wednesday so we’ll hire a car for a couple of days and go exploring, and they drive on the left here too, how civilised is that? Then we’ll take a couple of days to get to Palmerston Island right in the middle of nowhere! You’ll have to google it.
The temperature today is only 25 so quite pleasant and seems less humid despite the rain. All the locals say they don’t know where the wind and rain is coming from.
We are now moored stern on to the harbour wall with our anchor hold the bow in place.
All is well on board.
Sorry, no photos yet!

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