Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Nuku Hiva, 30/08/2017.

It's been a while since my last blog from the Galápagos Islands, due to awful internet speeds.

We arrived safely in Fatu Hiva after a 19 day trip, 4 days faster than my previous one, despite taking it easy with the rig damage. We were not supposed to stop anywhere before Hiva Oa check in but we stayed overnight in The Bay of Virgins. Judging by the number of kids there the name is not appropriate! A very picturesque place. On then to Hiva Oa and check in with the Gendarms, all very friendly and easy.
We spent 7 days there, mainly dealing with generator problems, no output and a leaky pump. Diagnosed as a faulty capacitor so got one from Tahiti, $300 cost, result nothing.
We anchored in the harbour fore and aft facing into the swell, no problems.
We spent a couple of nights in a beautiful bay on Haitea, next to Hiva Oa and then back to fit the capacitor. That night we set off at 6 pm having had a chat with a hungarian, Attila, who sailed from Dublin, where he worked, in a 24 foot boat, God what a thought. 42 days from Ecuador to Hiva Oa.
As well as the generator the rudder is giving grief. The stock is moving around although it is quite secure, and is making a loud groaning noise as well right next to the aft cabins.
I had a look today and found a bit of play in the top bush, but the securing nut etc is all OK. Big spray of WD40 and we'll see what happens. There's nowhere to do repairs before Tahiti. So no water maker, no dive compressor, no aircon, no battery charger and now the Yanmar has to run every day to keep the batteries charged. So much for a new Paguro generator.

Otherwise all is good on the boat.

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